## version $VER: bareed.catalog 1.0 (XX.XX.XX) ## codeset 0 ## language X MSG_CREATOR ; Using built-in strings MSG_SINGLE ; OK. MSG_CASE ; Yes | No MSG_SAMPLE_STR ; A simple sample Text! MSG_SAMPLE_CHAR MSG_SAMPLE_OFFSET ; \x0\x10 MSG_BACKGROUND ; Background MSG_CHARACTERS ; Text MSG_CURSOR ; Cursor MSG_TEXT_OVER_CURSOR ; Text over Cursor MSG_HIGHLIGHT ; Highlight MSG_VERBOSE_CURRENT ; Line: %-8ld Column: %-8ld MSG_VERBOSE_ARCHIVE Archive MSG_VERBOSE_SET ; Lines: %-8ld Size: %-8ld MSG_VERBOSE_CHANGES ; Alterations: %-8ld ACCEPT_PENS_GAD ; Accept these pencils! ACCEPT_TAB_SIZE_GAD ; Accept this tab size! MSG_INFOWIN_NAME ; BareED's Info Window MSG_PENWIN_NAME ; BareED's Pencil Select MSG_TABWIN_NAME ; BareED's Tab Select MSG_TAB_LABEL_GAD ; Tab: ; --- NOTE: 3 spaces at end of string: "Tab: " --- MSG_WINDOW_NAME_GOTO ; BareED - LineJump MSG_HAILTEXT_GOTO ; Jump to a line.\n\nEnter a number where\nyou want to continue. MSG_GADGETSTRING_GOTO ; Jump to line MSG_WINDOW_NAME_BLOCK_LIMIT ; BareED - New Block Limit MSG_HAILTEXT_BLOCKLIMIT ; Enter right margin for\n block-format\nin number of capitals MSG_GADGETSTRING_BLOCKLIMIT ; Accept MSG_BINARY_LOAD_FILE ; WARNING:\n\nThe file that was loaded in has been changed!\n\nAll zero bytes have been replaced through\nspace characters!\n\nIf this file was an Amiga load file it's not\nanymore executable!\nAnyhow, the file (in memory) is now invalid!\n\nDo not save the file over the top of the\nexisting, old one!! MSG_BINARY_CHARACTERS ; WARNING:\n\nZero bytes of new inserted characters\nhave been changed to space characters! MSG_NEW_ARCHIVE_BUT_CHANGED ; Archive has been changed!\n\nYou're about to lose it!\n\nThrow away archive with lost of changes? MSG_LOADNEW_OLD_CHANGED ; Archive has been changed!\n\nYou're about to lose it!\n\nLoad new file with lost of current archive? MSG_CANNOT_LOAD ; Cannot load this file... MSG_SAVE_FILE_OVER_TOP ; Existing file will be lost if continuing saving!\n\nSave archive over top of existing? MSG_WRITE_ERROR ; PANIC: An write-error occurred during saving!\n\nCurrent archive not completely saved! MSG_NOT_SAVED ; Cannot open file for writing!\nArchive not saved! MSG_ABOUT ; Do you really need this?\n\nYou're using BareED beta version 917. MSG_WRITE_BLOCK_ERROR ; An error occurred!\nRange of characters not saved! MSG_BLOCK_NOT_SAVED ; Cannot open the file for writing\nRange of characters not saved! MSG_LAST_CHANCE_SAVE ; Current archive is not saved!\n\nQuit BareED without saving archive? MSG_NA ; MSG_NO_PROJECT_NAME ; Untitled MSG_ABOUT_MAIN ; BareED version %ld.%ld\n\nARexx port name: %s\n\nPublic screen name: %s\n\n%s PROJECT_MENU ; Project OPEN_MENU ; O,Open... SAVE_MENU ; S,Save SAVE_AS_MENU ; A,Save As... PRINT_MENU ; P,Print... BAR_LABEL1_MENU DISPLAY_MENU ; Display CUSTOM_SCREEN ; Custom Screen? SCREEN_MODE ; Screen Mode... TAB_SIZE_MENU ; Tab Size... FONT_MENU ; Font... PENS_MENU ; Pencils... BAR_LABEL2_MENU ABOUT_MENU ; About... BAR_LABEL3_MENU NEW_MENU ; N,New QUIT_MENU ; Q,Quit BareED EDIT_MENU ; Edit MARK_MENU ; B,Mark Block CUT_MENU ; X,Cut COPY_MENU ; C,Copy PASTE_MENU ; V,Paste BAR_LABEL4_MENU UNDO_MENU ; Z,Undelete Line BAR_LABEL5_MENU WRITE_BLOCK_MENU ; W,Write Block... INSERT_FILE_MENU ; I,Insert File... SEARCH_MENU ; Search FIND_MENU ; F,Find... REPLACE_MENU ; R,Find & Replace... BAR_LABEL6_MENU GOTO_LINE_MENU ; G,Go to Line... GOTO_BOOKMARK_MENU ; Go to Bookmark GOTO_1_MENU ; 1,Go to 1 GOTO_2_MENU ; 2,Go to 2 GOTO_3_MENU ; 3,Go to 3 GOTO_4_MENU ; 4,Go to 4 GOTO_5_MENU ; 5,Go to 5 GOTO_6_MENU ; 6,Go to 6 GOTO_7_MENU ; 7,Go to 7 GOTO_8_MENU ; 8,Go to 8 GOTO_9_MENU ; 9,Go to 9 GOTO_10_MENU ; 0,Go to 10 SET_BOOKMARK_MENU ; Set Bookmark SET_1_MENU ; Set 1 SET_2_MENU ; Set 2 SET_3_MENU ; Set 3 SET_4_MENU ; Set 4 SET_5_MENU ; Set 5 SET_6_MENU ; Set 6 SET_7_MENU ; Set 7 SET_8_MENU ; Set 8 SET_9_MENU ; Set 9 SET_10_MENU ; Set 10 SETTINGS_MENU ; Settings CREATE_ICONS_MENU ; Create Icons? INFO_WINDOW_MENU ; ?,Info Window? SYSTEM_REFREH_MENU ; System Refresh? ADAPT_COLORS_MENU ; Adapt Colors? BAR_LABEL7_MENU BUTTON_INTERFACE_MENU ; Button Interface USE_KNOB_BANK_MENU ; Use Knob Bank ADOPT_PENCILS_MENU ; Adopt Pencils?